How to get to Tiger Island

By Connected Horizons

Tiger Islanda.k.a Amapala, is located just off the south coast of Honduras in the Pacific Ocean and shares the gorgeous Gulf of Fonseca with several other islands belonging both to El Salvador and Nicaragua. Read also our post on Tiger Island! In the past, stories say that Sir Francis Drake (an english corsair later named El Draque or El Tigre) chose the island as its headquarters for raiding Spanish ships sailing to Central America and this is where the name of the island comes from. Nowadays, people believe that in Playa Larga is still buried part of his treasure but there seems to be no record of it.

Reaching the island may seem complicated but whether you’re travelling from north, east or west with this little pocket guide you’ll find it easier than expected.


If you’re travelling from North

Option A (applies only if you’re in Tegucigalpa or below): Take any bus heading toward Choluteca or Guasaule (nicaraguan border) as final destination and asked to be dropped down at the Junction to Coyolito.

Option B: Take any bus of the company Costeño or Langueño heading toward the Salvadorian border of El Amatillo and asked to be dropped down in the town of Jicaro Galan. Here take any other bus or colectivo heading toward Choluteca and asked to be dropped down at the junction to Coyolito.

If you’re travelling from East

Option A: Take a bus/minivan from either San Marcos de Colon (El Espino border) or Guasaule to Choluteca. Once in Choluteca take any bus heading either to Tegucigalpa or El Amatillo (El Salvador border) and asked to be dropped off at the Junction to Coyolito.

If you’re travelling from West

Option A: Take a bus/minivan from the border of El Amatillo and asked to be dropped off in Jicaro Galan. There take a bus toward San Lorenzo, Choluteca or the borders with Honduras and asked to be dropped off at the Junction to Coyolito

Option B (not tested): Take a bus/minivan from the border of El Amatillo and asked to be dropped off in at the junction to Agua Fria and/or Coyolito. Hint: there’s a slim chance of buses connecting that Junction with Coyolito itself but if you wanna give it a try, let us know how it goes!


Once at the Junction with Coyolito, wait for the bus that covers the itinerary San Lorenzo-Coyolito and hop off at the last stop. There are buses every 40min at the cheap fare of 25L/one way and should take around 1h to reach the town. There’s also the possibility of taking a taxi to Coyolito but we’re talking around 150L from the junction.


The bus arriving in Coyolito will stop just in front of the docks so there’s no need to wander around to find the right spot. At the docks there are small lancias (boats) leaving any minute for either Amapala or Playa del Burro, as long as there are enough passengers to make it worth the trip. When boats are half full or completely full expect to pay around 15L/pp but if you can’t wait, an empty lancia can cost you as much as 100L. To cross the tiny stretch of sea in between Coyolito and the island will take anywhere between 15-25min, depending on the sea and on whether you’re sailing to Amapala or Playa del Burro.


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One thought on “How to get to Tiger Island

  • Giselle July 13, 2019 at 2:54 pm Reply

    I like the report

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